TEMS Publications
The IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society oversees its publication activities through the Publication Committee, led by the Vice President of Publication. At present, TEMS presents three publications, all available in electronic format without charge for all TEMS members:
Leadership BRIEFS
(Editor-in-Chief: Sabine Baumann)
IEEE Engineering Management Review
(Editor-in-Chief: Alexander Brem)
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
(Editor-in-Chief: Tugrul Daim)
The Publication Committee, a dedicated group responsible for guiding TEMS's publishing endeavors, includes members with diverse affiliations:

Tariq Samad
Chair, Vice President of Publication
University of Minnesota, U.S.A.

Noorlizawati Abd Rahim
University of Technology Malaysia

April Bai
University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

Marina Dabić
University of Zagreb, Croatia (Ex Officio, IEEE Press Liaison)

Dilip Kotak

Robert Bierwolf
Research Associate, with MinBzk and CeTIM

Sabine Baumann
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany (Ex Officio, Editor-in-Chief, Leadership Briefs)

Alexander Brem
University of Stuttgart, Germany (Ex Officio, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Engineering Management Review)

Tugrul Daim
Portland State University, U.S.A. (Ex Officio, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management)

Gus Gaynor
U.S.A. (Ex Officio, Past Vice President, Publications)

Jason Choi
University of Liverpool Management School
These committed individuals contribute significantly to the success of TEMS’s publications, ensuring a robust and diverse offering for our members and the broader community.
The Publication Committee is also responsible for various publication-related activities for TEMS, including:
- co-sponsorships with other societies and journals;
- collaborations with other TEMS departments, especially Conference Activities, Education Activities, and Technical Activities;
- promotion of TEMS publications through social media;
- preparation for the quinquennial IEEE PRAC review; and
- the maintenance of a Publications Operations Manual documenting guidelines and procedures.
For any comments or suggestions regarding TEMS Publication Activities, please feel free to reach out to Tariq Samad at samad@ieee.org.
Submit Your Conference Paper to TEMS Publications!
Fast-track your research with TEMS Publications
Leadership BRIEFS
For short summaries
Engineering Management Review
For practice-oriented articles
Transactions on Engineering Management
For full research papers
Note that IEEE requires that submissions to archival journals (such as EMR and TEM) must have significant differences from versions published in conference proceedings.
Please contact the respective publications’ editors-in-chief with any questions or for further guidance.