The IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS) bridges gaps between academia, industry, and government. Our mission is to support excellence in the leadership and stewardship of transformational technologies and organizations.
We accomplish this by:
- Networking – we enable peer-to-peer learning in our communities, conferences, and other venues so that transformational leaders can learn from one another.
- Education – we facilitate learning by providing expertise throughout an engineer’s career, from novices to experienced leaders
- Publication – our journals provide substantial insight for practitioners, theorists, academics, and policymakers.
To support a broad, vibrant engineering community, we actively support the IEEE Women in Engineering and Young Professionals communities. The TEMS culture is one of engaging the engineering community globally to bring the benefits of scientific discovery for the greater good.
TEMS encompasses best practices for defining, implementing, and managing engineering, as well as the advancement of technology management as a professional discipline. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Technology Management
- Leadership
- Technology Policy Development and Assessment
- Technology Transfer
- Program and Project Management
- Product Design and Development
- Education and Training
- Manufacturing Operations
- Strategy
- Research
- Transformation and Innovation Management
- Organizational Development & Human Behavior
- Socioeconomic Impacts