While the evolution of AI continues to become more prevalent, many movements are acting up to build global policies around the risks associated. Currently no one has taken a dedicated initiative to enable software developers (AI Developers) to follow certain standards so their product can have cryptographic proofs that it cannot be repurposed. Currently nobody knows how to do that either. We would like to fill that gap by creating AI research centers with the focus on having standards for each and every AI sector that will enable AI developers to build those securities by design. We refer to the ultimate goal as security by design so the utilization of developed AI can continue to bring prosperity without having the ability for those managing it to repurpose it which could be perceived as an attack from within.
In-order to achieve those results, the Technical Activity Committee of International Protocols for AI Security is launching in February, 2021. We plan to gather as many ideas, individuals, institutions, funds and nations as possible to work together. The individual members are likely to be spread out across the globe and in their areas cover as many technical events as possible spreading the word to get as much help as we can. There will be open source software development initiatives for folks to join along with non-technical initiatives for folks to partake in this mission. Also, there will be centers taking on lead roles in providing intensive training for qualified practitioners and academics with the hope to work cooperatively towards solutions.
We selected Republic of Korea (also known as South Korea) to host the first headquarters for such initiative along with primary research centers with the hope to trigger global collaboration between nations, organizations and capable individuals to operate, fund and trigger many other centers across the globe to continue providing ongoing standards so enables development for the benefit of all human kinds. Republic of Korea’s strength lies not only in its world-class ICT platform and memory semiconductors, but also in its AI’s character recognition, robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing capabilities. As can be seen in the 2019 AI national strategy, the administration is also supportive of the field and has been investing more and more. Moreover, the Republic of Korea is open enough to form an ally with 191 countries worldwide and makes it one of the most swift adaptors in the new technology field as well as a trend setter. This along with many other factors are why we believe that the Republic of Korea is the potential place to set up the HQ.
Now we are recruiting talent from all over the world and our committee members will consist of practitioners, academics, entrepreneurs and industry leaders dedicated to making the International Protocols for AI Security. Join us in the effort to make the International Protocols for AI Security.
Vision & Mission
By building software standards using deterministic scientific methods so it is embedded in the actual design as opposed to international consensus that can be biased, ineffective and hindering, we want to contribute a path towards effective global solutions where national rules will continue to fall short.
– Standards can influence the development and deployment of particular AI systems.
– The international standards can build trust among participating researchers, labs, and states. – Standards can serve to globally disseminate best practices.
– Standards are enablers providing a set of tools for development of global governance and not local to any single entity or nation. Subsequently this will be driven by economic benefits for institutional entrepreneurs to actively use standards in order to promote beneficial outcomes. Especially when compared to those not using the standards which will continue to fall short in providing the necessary security to the end user, the humans.
Chair’s Greeting
Toufi Saliba – Global Chair International Protocols for AI Security IEEE

We are launching the International Protocols for AI Security and if you are reading this, we are asking for your help. Together we can make this a reality. Reach out, spread the word and/or join the movement.
AI that cannot be repurposed, cannot be attacked from within to be used against the people without the consent of the people. Might sound not possible. We challenge that and don’t think the life of humanity and future generations should suffer from skeptics who prefer keeping the status quo or not examining truly if these requirements can be achieved. This is our raison d’être, one approach might be utilizing Autonomous Decentralized Governance, one form of it is User Centric Governance. The end results may very well be software development standards, communication standards that will enable these requirements to be met. At that point any software not compliant with the standards will likely lose its ability from being adopted. Hence the economical benefits of those implementing it will be the driving force of this initiative to succeed and be self-sustaining.
Executive Committee
Toufi Saliba
Chair, Global / t@toda.network
Toufi Saliba is TODA/IP co-author. He has authored and co-authored several algorithms, protocols, and patents. He built 15 startups with 11 failures while others ended up at Google, HP and Intel.
Toufi served as ACM global chair PB CC. Toufi is also an invited speaker at WIC, UN, ITU, AiForGood, KBI and KIF, and a board member/advisor to several tech ventures, international and national organizations such as FSR/BPI and F500 companies. He is also Global Chair International Protocols for AI Security IEEE, CEO at several Toda.Network companies during formation and incubation periods, such as Kor/Accel and Todalarity
Toufi’s technical diverse background is in Machine Learning, Autonomous Decentralized Governance, Distributed Computing and Cryptography. Most recently his focus is on increasing the security by design for AI to prevent attacks from within and ensures it continues to service all humankind for as long as possible.
Gongpil Choi
Chair, Korea HQ / gpchoi@kif.re.kr
Gongpil Choi is currently an academic advisor of the world fintech council and a director of the Asian Prime Collateral Forum. Also he is a leader of blockchain advisory committee of Financial Supervisory Service. Dr. Choi was a director at the KIF(Korea Institute of Finance) Center for Finance and Technology. Also, he has worked as the CSO, CRO at the Woori Financial Group. His prior experience includes positions as a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, local consultants at World Bank and ADB. He also had a series of visiting scholar appointments at IMF, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, and the Santa Fe Institute.
Charlie H. Shin
Operating Officer / charlie@toda.network