Building a Future-Ready Organization: The Role of AI for Technology Company Leaders

By Sabine Baumann

For leaders in technology industries, embracing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially generative AI, is vital for staying ahead of the competition in a rapidly evolving landscape. AI transforms all functional areas from supply chain to production to marketing, promising increased efficiency and improved customer experiences. At the same time, it is crucial for leaders to address concerns and misconceptions surrounding AI to effectively harness its benefits and inspire confidence among employees.

Potential Benefits

Refining Creativity and Innovation

Innovation is a cornerstone of technology companies, and generative AI (a type of machine learning that allows computers to generate all kinds of content, from music and art to virtual worlds) can unlock new creativity potentials by moving away from conventional problem-solving approaches. AI tools support your teams in creating unique designs, developing novel solutions, and exploring uncharted territories.

Enhancing Customer Experiences

Customer experience is an essential differentiator for technology companies. Generative AI systems can analyze vast amounts of customer data and deliver personalized content, recommendations, and interactive experiences. This enables you to create tailored solutions that adapt to individual preferences, in turn driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Optimizing Operations and Efficiency

Technology companies constantly seek ways to streamline operations and increase efficiency. By leveraging generative AI algorithms, you can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic initiatives. This automation not only improves productivity, but also leads to significant energy savings. Additionally, prioritizing the energy efficiency of the hardware infrastructure and exploring techniques like federated learning and edge computing can help minimize energy consumption during training and inference processes.


Ethical and Responsible AI Development

As technology becomes increasingly intertwined with everyday life, ethical considerations surrounding AI are of utmost importance to alleviate concerns about AI’s impact on society. As a leader you have a responsibility to develop and deploy AI systems that are fair, transparent, and unbiased. Additionally, you must ensure that generative AI systems are used responsibly, adhering to legal and ethical frameworks. You can do this by establishing guidelines and frameworks to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI algorithms and decision-making processes.

Sustainability and Energy Consumption

It is essential to consider the energy consumption associated with training and deploying generative AI models. To tackle this challenge, companies need to invest in energy-efficient infrastructure and use of renewable energy sources, optimize algorithms, and explore techniques such as model compression and quantization to minimize environmental impact of using AI technologies. AI models are increasingly being developed in the cloud and through third-party infrastructure, and they may be executed therein too. Thus, leaders should be aware that the environmental and energy footprint of deploying artificial intelligence is not localized to their organizational assets.

Fear of Changes and Job Loss

While AI may not have been intended to replace jobs, but rather to automate repetitive and mundane tasks, many jobs will transform considerably or even become obsolete. It is vital to engage and educate employees so they can adapt their roles and collaborate with AI systems as these adapt to provide ever improving support. Upskilling and reskilling initiatives help employees to familiarize themselves with AI technologies, showcasing their potential and dispelling misconceptions. As a leader encourage open discussions and involve employees in the AI journey, to foster a sense of ownership.

Building a Future-Ready Organization

AI technologies presents unprecedented opportunities for leaders in technology companies to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and shape the future of their organizations. They affect all functional areas and come with a complex set of challenges where fears of transformation have to be addressed inside and outside the organization.

To prepare your organization for the future, you as a leader in a technology company must foster a culture of continuous innovation and adaptability to maximize the benefits of AI technologies. Encourage experimentation and risk-taking by providing resources and support for exploring new AI applications. Also, demonstrating empathy and understanding will help alleviate anxieties and build resilience among employees, creating a supportive environment where they feel valued and secure. Strive for an environment that values innovation and adaptability and that encourages employees to continuously upgrade their skills to keep pace with AI advancements. If you empower your teams to leverage the potentials of AI and other new technologies, you position your organization for future success.

Digging Deeper:

[1] Baumann, Sabine (2022) “The Bias in Media Regarding Algorithmic Bias of AI”, Invited Forum: Countering Algorithmic Bias and Disinformation and Effectively Harnessing the Power of AI in Media, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (JMCQ), Vol. 99, No. 4.

[2] Gent, Edd (2022) “Hello, ChatGPT—Please Explain Yourself! An interview with the celebrated but controversial AI language model”, IEEE Spectrum, Dec. 2022.

[3] Walshe, Ray/Koene, Ansgar/Baumann, Sabine/Panella, Massimo/Maglaras, Leandros/Medeiros, Francisco (2021) “Artificial Intelligence as Enabler for Sustainable Development”, in: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) “Innovation, Technology, and Engineering Management for our Societal, Environmental, and Economic Resilience”, Cardiff (UK). IEEE Xplore.

About the Author

Sabine Baumann is an award-winning and internationally recognized Professor of Management and Industrial Engineering, Scientific Director, Consultant, Author, Editor and Speaker. Her consulting and research areas are all interdisciplinary, involving either changes in business models due to new technologies or the strategic exploitation of platforms and digital business ecosystems. LinkedIn:

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