Table of Contents November 2015 Volume 62 Number 4

R. Sabherwal From the Editor
Research Articles
Link and Wright On the Failure of R&D Projects
jiang, Zhang, and Yu Optimizing Cooperative Advertizing, Profit Sharing, and Inventory Policies in a VMI Supply Chain: A Nash Bargaining Model and Hybrid Algorithm
Serrador and Turner What is Enough Planning? Results From a Global Quantitative Study
Jaber, Marle, and Jankovic Improving Collaborative Decision Making in New Product Development Projects Using Clustering Algorithms
Linder, Lyngsie, Foss, and Zahra Wise Choices: How Thoroughness of Opportunity Appraisal, Incentives, and Performance Evaluation Fit Together
Freitas, Fantinato, and Sun Improvements to the Function Point Analysis Method: A Systematic Literature Review
Herrmann Predicting the Performance of a Design Team Using a Markov Chain Model
Bignon and Szajnfarber Technical Professionals’ Identities in the R&D Context: Beyond the Scientist Versus Engineer Dichotomy
Kopmann, Kock, Killen, and Gemunden Business Case Control in Project Portfolios—An Empirical Investigation of Performance Consequences and Moderating Effects
Li and Li Multiobjective Local Search Algorithm-Based Decomposition for Multiobjective Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
Marvel, Lee, and Wolfe Entrepreneur Gender and Firm Innovation Activity: A Multilevel Perspective
Chen, Hsiao, Chu, and Hu The Relationship Between Team Diversity and New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Slack
Hargaden and Ryan Resource Planning in Engineering Services Firms
Yao and Deng Scheduling Optimization in the Mass Customization of Global Producer Services
Parraguez, Eppinger, and Maier Information Flow Through Stages of Complex Engineering Design Projects: A Dynamic Network Analysis Approach
Salvador, Rungtusanatham, and Montanez Antecedents of Mass Customization Capability: Direct and Interaction Effects
Tsilipanos, Neokosmidis, and Varoutas Modeling Complex Telecom Investments: A System of Systems Approach
Thompson From Private to Blue Leader: My Memories of Al Rubenstein?s Early Years
Geisler My Memories of Al Rubenstein as a Teacher, a Scholar, and a Friend

TEMS – 5 Focus Areas

Moving Product/Services from Idea to Market

Identifying and Implementing Successful Projects, and Systems

Integrating Technology for Capability and Productivity

Developing from Engineer to Leader

Balancing the Norms of Society, Government, and Regulators

Attend upcoming Conference

IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility (IEEESM'23)