IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society, Silicon Valley Chapter

Conference on Industry and Innovations enabled by Industry 4.0 Technologies

Date: May 6, 2023 Location: San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA

Conference on Industry and Innovations enabled by Industry 4.0 Technologies
Industry 4.0 was stimulated by many new technologies including AI, IoT, sensors, networking, robotics, and others. This has led to great improvements in manufacturing, control systems, and other industry systems.  Research is leading us to the “Digital Twin” where we can evaluate industry systems, pro-actively correct possible problem and, eventually, test new components in accurate simulation prior to using them in the industrial setting. Now, we are observing that these technologies along with similar strategies as used in industry are stimulating many technical business solutions including healthcare and consumer products. This conference brings together the research and industry perspectives of the opportunity and challenges enabled with these technologies in multiple areas including healthcare and entrepreneurship.
Conference on Industry and Innovations enabled by Industry 4.0 Technologies

Program Overview

This one-day event is divided into a morning plenary where multiple speakers will address the technologies making Industry 4.0 and how they are being applied to other areas.  Speakers will consider the technology and business perspectives, opportunities, and challenges. Speakers will represent industry, research, and IEEE programs in this area.

A group lunch will allow all to network together.

The afternoon will have parallel sessions focusing on research and business presentations in the Topic Areas. This section will have its papers published in the IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Paper Submission

Prospective participants are invited to join the event, but their studies must utilize market analysis research to support their technical conclusions. The publication of the conference proceedings will follow the conference.


Paper Submission17 January 2023
Paper ready for review17 February 2023
Notification of acceptance17 March 2023
Camera-ready submission of full papers17 April 2023

Potential Topic Areas

  • Technology Opportunities and Challenges
  • Security and Privacy Challenges with Informatics
  • Business Considerations with Bigdata Technologies
  • Healthcare and other applications enabled by Industry 4.0 Technologies
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Resilient Supply Chains

“Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in an issue of our flagship journals. This would include research articles suitable for our journal  IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE TEM) and practical and case study articles suitable for our journal of practice, the IEEE Engineering Management Review(IEEE EMR). All papers would have to be suitably expanded beyond the conference paper for IEEE TEM. IEEE EMR submissions would need to be edited, targeted and formatted for one of three types of papers published by IEEE EMR.  Each paper will be subject to the corresponding journal’s rigorous peer review process.”


San Jose State University (SJSU)

San Jose State University (SJSU)

IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS)


IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Silicon Valley Chapter

Organizing Committee

Michael Condry, TEMS President 2016-2019, IES Senior AdCom Cluster Chair

Edmund Cheng, Chair of TEMS SCV Chapter

Carl Angotti, past TEMS SCV Chapter Chair

Minnie Patel, Professor and Director of M.S. Engineering Management Program, SJSU

Anil Kumar, Associate Professor and Director of M.S. Human Factors and Ergonomics Program, SJSU

Iris Quan, Professor of Entrepreneurship, San Jose State University

Yasser Dessouky, Professor and Chair, Industrial and Systems Engineering, SJSU

Taeho Park, Professor and Director, School of Global Innovation & Leadership, SJSU

Richard Stallkamp, Treasurer for TEMS Chapter, and conference treasurer

TEMS – 5 Focus Areas

Moving Product/Services from Idea to Market

Identifying and Implementing Successful Projects, and Systems

Integrating Technology for Capability and Productivity

Developing from Engineer to Leader

Balancing the Norms of Society, Government, and Regulators

Attend upcoming Conference

IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility (IEEESM'23)