Editor’s Picks – Engineering Management Review (EMR)

By Alexander Brem

Welcome to another selection of “EMR Editor’s Picks”. EMR aims to provide you with practice-oriented, evidence-based insights from our journal of practice, EMR. Enjoy your full access to all articles mentioned here through your TEMS IEEE Xplore access.

The latest EMR issue open-access editorial had the topic “Editorial Publishing in a Practice-Oriented Journal: Why and How You Should Do It”. This was a special editorial where I summarized key points, why it is worth writing for a journal of practice, and how to approach such an article as a potential author. In case you are interested in our short Technology Manager Notebook articles (500 – 2.000 words), this earlier editorial is also recommended.

Let me highlight a few articles from this issue. One special article is called “Finding Blockchain Value: A Business Ecosystem Approach”. Authors include here specific guidance for practitioners with a method for assessing a suitable blockchain strategy based on their role within their business ecosystems. Since digital currencies diffused a lot in recent years, this is a topic each engineering manager should consider as well. Another special mention is an article on the hot topic of our times, artificial intelligence. Here the authors compare the ideation quality of humans with generative artificial intelligence. The surprising result is that overall, AI-generated ideas comprise the majority of the top-performing ideas, while human-generated ideas scored lower than expected. Another paper you should not miss.

Last but not least, you might be interested in contributing to EMR. A good opportunity is an ongoing Special Issue on Supply Chain Digitalization in the Age of (R)Evolution.

Finally, some good news regarding our visibility. EMR now has a Scopus CiteScore of 7.4; this is almost a 25% increase from last year. Hence, we are among the most-read practice-oriented journals.

About the Author

Alexander Brem is an Endowed Chaired Professor and Institute Head with the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. In addition, he is an Honorary Professor with the University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark. His research interests include technological innovation and entrepreneurship. He is IEEE Senior Member and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Engineering Management Review (EMR).

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