Election Procedure for TEMS Officers

NOTE: TEMS MALs are elected by TEMS Members; TEMS Officers are elected by TEMS AdCom at an AdCom Election Meeting

Conduct of TEMS Officer Elections at AdCom Election Meeting:

  1. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall appoint a Tellers Committee composed of preferably two non-voting members. The Tellers will collect the secret ballots and go to a location where they can count the ballots in private. They will return all the counted ballots to the Chair including the count results in writing. The Chair will announce the winner without the count. After the election results are confirmed by the BoG the Chair will arrange for the destruction of the ballots and with the Tellers will keep all count results confidential.
  2. The Chair shall announce the candidates for each office and ask for nominations from the floor. Nominations from the floor are allowed only for those nominees who were presented to the Nominating Committee but not selected. A majority vote by the Board of Governors (BoG) will be required to add that nominee to the slate as a candidate.
  3. Each candidate for a given position, in alphabetical order, will be given a maximum of five minutes to make a presentation to the BoG followed by a maximum of five minutes for questioning by the BoG. The BoG then will have whatever time is required to discuss the candidates’ qualifications.
  4. When two candidates are involved, the candidate with the greatest number of votes will be designated as the winner. In case of a tie, the candidates will step out and the BoG will discuss the candidates again, and voting will be repeated. If the second ballot again results is a tie, the winner will be determined by a secret vote of the three presidential positions; President, President Elect, and Past President (the 3 Ps); or by a random coin toss.  The method of choice to be determined by the BoG in a secret ballot. If a decision is made by the BoG to give the decision to the 3Ps, the 3Ps will leave the room, deliberate, and inform the BoG only of their decision.
  5. When three candidates are competing for the position candidate who receives a majority will be designated the winner. If none of the candidates receives a majority vote, the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be dropped and the voting process continued as specified in number (4). If there is a tie for the lowest vote, the tie will be resolved as specified in number (4).

TEMS – 5 Focus Areas

Moving Product/Services from Idea to Market

Identifying and Implementing Successful Projects, and Systems

Integrating Technology for Capability and Productivity

Developing from Engineer to Leader

Balancing the Norms of Society, Government, and Regulators

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IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility (IEEESM'23)